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The Beauty of Restoration (John)


Have you wandered away in your walk with Jesus? Here’s the good news. Jesus will restore you if you meet Him at the Cross. That’s what happened to the Apostle John. He ran away. He deserted the Lord, but he met Jesus back at the cross. And Jesus restored John…and Jesus also restored Peter…and Jesus can restore you too.

Come to the cross. It is only there that you can witness how wide and long and high and deep is the love that Christ has for you. And when you meet Him there, the first thing Jesus says to you is, “I’m glad you are back. I’ve missed you. I want to restore you to a place where you lean on me. Now, I have a job for you. Take care of my people. Serve me again. I have a cross for you. Take it up and follow me” and discover The Beauty of Restoration

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Sample Study Guide
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Sample Large Print Study Guide