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Vacation Bible School
2025 Curriculum
The Big Sea Adventure:
Exploring the Depths of God's Love
English | Spanish
2024 Curriculum
African Safari Adventure:
Exploring the Wonders of God's Creation
English | Spanish
All of these materials will help your church provide age-appropriate quality Bible study experiences in Vacation Bible School this summer! These materials are provided FREE to your church as a ministry of Texas Baptists.
These Children and Early Childhood VBS materials are:
- Rich in Bible content and life application for pupils and teachers;
- Educationally sound;
- Developmentally and culturally appropriate, focusing on the needs of the child; and
- User-friendly–practical, helpful and immediately useful to teachers, including new teachers and all teachers with limited time and resources.
Children and Early Childhood VBS Curriculum includes the following:
- Teacher’s guides for each age group;
- Downloadable resource items;
- Plan sheets for each age group;
- Joint worship PowerPoint presentation and script; and
- Other useful resources available for download.
If you have any questions or problems with your downloads, we want to know. Please feel free to call Sarah Johnson and ask.
Sarah Johnson
Again, thank you for your interest in our curriculum!
Jennifer Howington
Children's Ministry Specialist, Discipleship Team