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New! Student Lessons from Iron Stream Media

Introducing digital download lessons for Students (Ages 11-18) from Life Bible Study ( These lessons serve as a companion piece for the Connect 360 Adult Bible Study. You can order these at: Iron Stream Media.

Free Student Easter Lesson

Access the free Easter lesson from Iron Stream Media

College Bible Studies

GC2 Press is pleased to partner with Collegiate Ministry of Texas Baptists in providing a series of undated, topical Bible studies. Lessons can be used with college students on campus, in the local church, or wherever college students gather to study God’s word. Learn more.

Youth Bible Studies 

These Bible studies for youth in grades 7-12 emphasize understanding the Bible passage and making appropriate life application. Each lesson consists of two major sections for the teacher plus a student page. The two major sections of the teaching guide are "What the Bible Says," which provides comments aimed at helping the teacher understand the Bible passage, and "Teaching Plan," which offers guidance to the teacher in leading youth in studying the lesson. Learn more.